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Call 651-699-3438 to book a nutrition counseling appointment. Our nutrition counselors take a personalized approach to help you achieve your goals.
*Results described are not typical and will vary for each individual.
When I first came to Nutritional Weight & Wellness for nutrition counseling, I was not feeling well. I was tired, my digestion was off, I was having skin flare ups and overall, I just felt inflamed (puffy) all the time. I didn’t feel like exercising because I didn’t feel good. I knew I could have a better quality of life and I felt that addressing my nutrition was the best way to do it. I was ready to make changes and start feeling better.
In my first counseling session with Katie, I was so surprised by the thorough health history investigation. Katie took all the seemingly meaningless puzzle pieces of my health history and put them together to figure out why I was experiencing my specific issues. She was so personable and positive. She suggested that I take the Nutrition 4 Weight Loss Program for ongoing support as well. What I learned from her in my one-on-one counseling sessions and through the Nutrition 4 Weight Loss classes was phenomenal and totally changed my relationship with food.
I now know what to cook and how to plan my meals so I eat well for the entire week. I’ve been amazed by how relaxed I am about eating now. I used to worry about food all the time…what should I eat? Am I eating the right foods? Am I cooking this correctly? Now I am armed with knowledge. I feel like I’ve been released from the prison of my mind when it comes to food.
I no longer have cravings, which is incredible for me. I used to fixate on foods. For example, if there was chocolate in the house, I would think about it constantly and eventually eat it all until it was gone. Now I have a “take it or leave it” mentality when it comes to sweets. I never think about sugar.
My digestion has improved along with my skin. My hair and skin are softer and my nails are stronger and longer. All signs of better health! My energy has increased to where I can exercise three times per week. I feel stronger and able to take the exercise classes that I enjoy. My sleep has improved dramatically. I used to be up four to five times in a night, but now I can stay asleep the entire night. With all of these health improvements, I also lost 10 pounds. I feel so much better physically!
The nutrition counseling and Nutrition 4 Weight Loss Program were incredible. I learned so much. Words cannot express how good it feels to have this new-found mental freedom when it comes to how I think about food. I know how to plan, cook and eat well. It’s easy for me now, I just get it done each week and I’m a much happier, well-rounded person because of it. As I continue to improve my health, it’s great to know that I have a partner in wellness with Nutritional Weight & Wellness.
Laura was able to lose weight and gain the knowledge about how to eat right with the power of nutrition education and personal support. Sign up for the Nutrition 4 Weight Loss program today and be on your way to improved health. The 12-week program is available in-person or online and includes a two-hour consultation with a licensed nutritionist or dietician.