Sandy's Story — Changed Her Eating to Lose 107 Pounds

*Results described are not typical and will vary for each individual.


I was at the end of my rope with my weight. I even had a doctor tell me my only option was surgery. Weighing almost 400 pounds, I knew something had to change, but I had done several diets before and just ended up gaining back any weight I lost. I was jaded about diet plans and reluctant to try the Nutrition 4 Weight Loss Program, however, my sister convinced me to attend with her. I’m so glad she did because the program was life-changing!

My Weight Reached Close to 400 Pounds

Two years ago, I finally gave up on dieting altogether. I had lost and gained weight so many times throughout my life, I decided enough was enough. I ate whatever I wanted which typically included fast food for breakfast and lunch, and then a restaurant meal with my husband at night. When my weight reached close to 400 pounds, my doctor recommended gastric bypass surgery. That was something I definitely didn’t want to do. I knew too many people who had problems after having the surgery.

I’m so happy I didn’t do the surgery! Even though I was reluctant to join the program initially, I found myself enjoying the classes so much I didn’t want them to end each week. The instructors explained nutrition and how our bodies process food in such a way that it made sense to me for the first time in my life. The eye-opening information I learned made me not want to put “junk” into my system because I finally understood the consequences.

I Lost Weight, Increased My Energy, and Lifted My Depression 

I have made a total turnaround in my eating and have lost 107 pounds so far. I am off depression medication after being on a maximum dose for the last 15 years! I have struggled with depression my entire life. Now I see the link between my food choices and how I feel.

My greatest accomplishment has been my increased mobility. I have two very active dogs and now I’m able to walk them regularly whereas in the past, I had to ask others to walk them. I used to barely make it around the block and now I find myself doing 1.5 miles and wanting more! I remember the first time I realized I could walk like this was when I was at the Home Depot. In the past, I couldn’t walk 50 feet without extreme joint pain in my legs and feet. But that day at the store, I had walked the entire store to get everything I needed without a problem. Then I realized I had forgotten something that was way on the other side of the store. My first thought was, “Shoot, I can’t walk way over there.” But then I realized, yes I can! I had so much energy I walked several laps around the store and it was the greatest feeling.

Eating This Way Works!

I look at food so much differently now. Seeing people eat fast food, donuts and such, makes me feel sad because I see people eating those things, like I used to, and they don’t realize what they are doing to their bodies. Now I know and I’m so thankful. And I lost 107 pounds so clearly eating this way works! I’m walking more than ever, my depression has lifted, my digestion improved, shopping is easier, and playing with my grandkids is easier. Everything is easier!

I hope to take the Nutrition 4 Weight Loss Program again in the future for support as I continue to lose weight. I feel fantastic and I am so proud of myself!

Create Your Own Success Story with Nutrition Education

Sandy was able to lose weight and gain control of her eating with the power of nutrition education and personal support. Sign up for the Nutrition 4 Weight Loss program today and be on your way to improved health. The 12-week program is available in-person or online and includes a two-hour consultation with a licensed nutritionist or dietician.

Find more weight loss tips and advice in these additional articles and podcasts and be on your way to better health for good!

Weight Loss Myths and Facts
5 Things You Will Learn in Nutrition 4 Weight Loss
Overindulged? How to Get Back to Healthy Eating

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