Jim's Story — Blood Pressure and Cholesterol Back to Normal

*Results described are not typical and will vary for each individual.


My doctor said I was a candidate for pre-diabetes, and I knew I had to do something because I didn’t want to get diabetes like both of my parents. I was prescribed the drug Metformin to help with my condition. My wife insisted that I go to Nutritional Weight & Wellness for nutrition counseling to see if I could turn things around.

I Felt Motivated

I’ll be honest, I dreaded going to my first appointment with Darlene because I thought that all my favorite foods would be taken away and it would be miserable to do. The reality was much different. It was a two-way conversation with Darlene. She showed me how to modify how I cook my favorite foods and make other small changes so I could ease into it. I walked out of Darlene’s office feeling motivated. Her advice made sense and I believed I could make the changes she suggested.

Lower Blood Pressure, Cholesterol and Weight

After eating this way for six months, my energy level was amazing and I could tell my brain was much sharper. My blood pressure and cholesterol numbers went into normal ranges, and I was sleeping better. In fact, I found I no longer needed my CPAP machine to sleep at night (I had been diagnosed with sleep apnea four years prior). My blood work also showed that I no longer needed to take Metformin. This was such a relief because I knew the medication wasn’t good for me to keep taking. Along with everything else, my belly was shrinking. When I first saw Darlene, I weighed 220 pounds, but 10 months into my new eating plan, I weighed in at 175 and have been holding steady at this new healthy weight. I know I will never be overweight again as long as I eat this way.

Prior to my nutrition counseling, I didn’t realize just how unhealthy I truly was. Now, I’m happier and enjoying life more, and that’s priceless. This is the best thing that’s happened to me in years.

Create Your Own Success Story with Nutrition Education

Jim was able to lose weight and improve his energy with the power of nutrition education and personal support. Sign up for a nutrition consultation today and be on your way to improved health. 

Find more weight loss and energy tips and advice in these additional articles and podcasts and be on your way to better health for good!

Weight Loss Myths and Facts
Overindulged? How to Get Back to Healthy Eating
Keeping Your Energy Consistent

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