A Sinus Sufferer’s Guide to Supplements
By Brenna Thompson, MS, RD, LD
May 26, 2015
Spring has sprung, which means people’s allergies are in full bloom. Maybe you currently find yourself suffering from a stuffy or runny nose, itchy and watery eyes, a pounding headache, sinus pressure, and an inability to go outside without sneezing. Instead of reaching for the Claritin®, Benadryl®, or Zyrtec®; consider one of these more natural approaches to relieving your allergy symptoms.
Natural D-Hist, by Ortho Molecular, is probably our most popular allergy-fighting supplement. The combination of quercetin, vitamin C, bromelain, and stinging nettle is very good at calming the body’s immune system and preventing an overreaction to pollen.
For kids who suffer from allergies, Ortho Molecular also makes D-Hist Jr. which has the same ingredients as Natural D-Hist, just a smaller dose that is more appropriate for smaller bodies and a tablet that is easy to chew. Adults can also take this chewable form.
Dosage: Many clients take 2 capsules of Natural D-Hist 2-3 times per day for 10 days as a loading dose during peak allergy time and continue taking 1-3 capsules daily as a maintenance dose. With D-Hist Jr., the dose is 1-3 tablets per day.
Mold Allergies:
Aqua Flora works wonders for people who deal with mold allergies. This homeopathic remedy introduces small amounts of candida albicans into the body, which helps the immune system recognize what it should and should not be attacking.
Dosage: For people over the age of 12, 2 tablespoons mixed into a glass of water in the morning is all it takes to begin seeing results in just a few days.
Sinus Pain and Inflammation:
Sinatrol contains n-acetyl cysteine, thyme, and bromelain, which help the body clear airway passages by thinning mucus secretions. Think of them as natural forms of Mucinex®. The turmeric and licorice root extract in Sinatrol help reduce sinus inflammation and strengthen the immune system so that it is not overwhelmed by excess pollen or mold.
Dosage: We recommend clients take the recommended dosage of 3 capsules per day.
Nutrition, Too:
Many Nutritional Weight & Wellness clients find that supplements taken during their peak allergy season are a good start to relieving their symptoms. However, they also need to make dietary changes to support their immune system. Most people notice that by removing sugar and dairy from their diets they produce much less mucus, which in turn decreases post nasal drip, stuffy nose, and frequency of sinus infections. This means avoiding cereal and milk, yogurt with granola, cheesy pizzas, pudding, ice cream, and for some people, even sour cream and cream cheese. Replace these foods with turkey breakfast sausages, wild rice meatballs, and berries blended with canned coconut milk.
For more information on sinuses and seasonal allergies, listen to the May 16, 2015 episode of Dishing Up Nutrition: Always Battling with Your Sinuses?