Ease Inflammation, Ease Prostate Problems

June 7, 2016


By Katie Vigesaa, RD, LD

How is it that the small, walnut-sized gland called the prostate can cause men such big problems? If it is enlarged or inflamed, it can create urgent and painful urination, reduced urine flow, pain and stiffness in the lower back and pelvic region, even cancer. The prostate is a small but mighty gland men want to keep healthy. What we do know is that men over the age of 50 have an increased risk of prostate problems, and about 2.5 million American men suffer from prostate cancer.

Recently, an article in the New York Times described a new approach to prostate cancer treatment. Five years ago, the majority of men diagnosed with prostate cancer underwent surgery and radiation. Now, 40-50% of men with prostate cancer are choosing a method called "active surveillance" where the prostate cancers are left alone, but routinely monitored to ensure the cancer is not growing. Active surveillance would be a crucial time for a man with prostate cancer to consider how his food choices could be contributing to prostate cancer.

Low grade inflammation can be at the root of all prostate problems, whether it's prostate cancer or an inflamed prostate called benign prostatic hypertrophy (BPH). Since inflammation of the prostate can lead to a host of problems, we think it makes sense to discuss the food connection to prostate health. As a nutritionist, I help men understand which foods inflame the prostate and which are anti-inflammatory. June is Men's Health Month, so there is no better time than now to talk about prostate health.

Foods That Inflame

ease-prostate-problems_sandwich-soda.jpgThose daily doughnuts, the frozen pizzas, the afternoon soda, even the muffin from the gas station on the weekend can be linked to prostate problems. Research is saying that the foods some men routinely consume could lead to inflammation in their prostate. In a new study, regular consumption of sugary beverages was associated with a three times greater risk of prostate cancer. Additionally, a higher intake of processed lunch foods such as pizza, burgers and meat sandwiches doubled prostate cancer risk. (1) If you have been diagnosed with prostate cancer, or have prostate cancer in your family, it makes sense to work with a nutritionist to create an anti-inflammatory eating plan.

Foods That Reduce Inflammation

Eating a slice of orange or a forkful of broccoli floods your body with plant nutrients. These nutrients are anti-inflammatory for the prostate and help to keep prostate problems away. There appears to be a link between plant nutrients called flavonoids and a reduced risk for aggressive prostate cancer. Based on a study conducted by Susan Steck, PhD, of the Arnold School of Public Health, "citrus fruits and juices, such as oranges and grapefruits, tea, grapes, strawberries, onions and cooked greens were the top contributors to total flavonoid intake among the participants." (2) Of course at Nutritional Weight & Wellness, we always encourage eating the whole fruit versus drinking juice. Additionally, cruciferous veggies such as cauliflower, kale, Brussels sprouts and ease-prostate-problems_broccoli.jpgbroccoli contain compounds that help balance certain hormones that can cause swelling in the prostate. I often encourage my clients to try to eat 6 to 9 cups of vegetables every single day. Not only is that beneficial for overall wellness, but also it's going to be crucial addition to support prostate health. Don't just focus on one single vegetable, such as broccoli, make sure to get a variety. Maybe you can have cooked spinach with breakfast, asparagus at lunch and Brussels sprouts with onions at dinner. Vegetable variety and eating lots of them are key. Many of our clients add a scoop of organic greens, such as Dynamic Greens, to a protein shake to ensure they are getting enough servings of vegetables each day.

Zinc, an Important Nutrient for Prostate Health

What do oysters, beef, chicken, mushrooms, pumpkin seeds, cashews and garbanzo beans have to do with the prostate? They are all foods rich in the prostate-friendly mineral zinc. The prostate gland accumulates zinc at 10-15 times higher concentration than other body tissues. The prostate is like a zinc sponge and it wants lots of zinc to stay healthy. We also know that zinc protects prostate cells from turning into cancerous cells. Our number one recommendation for men is to eat a variety of zinc-rich foods. Additionally, research points to the benefit of supplementing with zinc, especially for older men. A 2009 study showed that the risk of advanced prostate cancer decreased significantly when men were taking greater than 15mg of zinc over a 10-year period.

Bottom line? Eat lots of zinc-rich foods and supplement with zinc for prostate health. (3)

Supplements for Additional Support

To support the prostate and reduce inflammation, we know food is the most important piece. However, supplements are critical for men experiencing prostate problems. First, it's important to reduce inflammation. Then zinc, omega-3 and other nutrients should be considered.

Anti-Inflammatory Supplements

  • Concentrated Prostagen: This supplement contains nutrients that are important for a healthy prostate such as zinc and vitamin D, but it also contains saw palmetto which reduces inflammation in the prostate.
  • Omega-3 Fatty Acids: Omega-3 fatty acids found in fish oil are an important to reduce inflammation in the body, including the prostate. We recommend taking 3000-6000mg quality Omega-3's a day.
  • Kaprex: This supplement is a natural anti-inflammatory that can be used long term without harming the liver and kidneys. Reduced inflammation in the prostate will reduce the likelihood of benign prostatic hypertrophy (BPH) and cancer risk.
  • Zinc: As mentioned above, research indicates supplementing with zinc is beneficial for general prostate health and also for prostate cancer prevention.

Whether you or a loved one is struggling with any inflammatory condition of the prostate, we would encourage you to make a nutrition therapy appointment with one of our nutritionists. At Nutritional Weight & Wellness, we help men reduce inflammation through better food choices and key supplements. There is no magic bullet, but a balanced meal plan with lots of real food will certainly help. Prostate problems and active surveillance can go on for several years, so having an individual plan and the support of a nutritionist is very important.

  1. https://www.sciencedaily.com/releases/2016/04/160405182105.htm
  2. https://www.sciencedaily.com/releases/2012/10/121019141128.htm
  3. http://www.lifeextension.com/magazine/2015/5/new-studies-reveal-importance-of-zinc-in-maintaining-prostate-health/page-01

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