Change Your Mind-Set to Start Losing Weight: Part 4

By Nutritional Weight & Wellness Staff
April 14, 2015


By Kristen Gunderson, Nutrition Educator

How have you changed your mind-set about weight loss over the last few weeks? So far I’ve shared a few tips for you to think about:

  1. Have a specific action plan
  2. Nobody’s perfect, so ditch the perfectionist mentality
  3. Accept the idea that there is no such thing as “cheating” when it comes to eating, only choices

Today I want to talk about focusing on what you can control and letting go of what you can’t.

Tip 4: Life will throw you curve balls. Just focus on what you have control over, but don’t give up!

Life is never going to stop for you because you would like to lose weight. Holidays, party invitations, a family crisis…these things will all come your way, and always will. And they’ll likely throw a wrench in your healthy eating plans. How you will manage them differently, with a healthier mind-set, is the key.

In those times when things really get crazy—maybe you have a loved one in the hospital or you are going through a job change—these are the times when you really must focus on what you CAN do. When you’re facing a crisis or extra stress in your life, maybe you focus on:

  1. Getting enough sleep at night
  2. Drinking 8 glasses of water, or
  3. Eating protein three times a day.

Focus on what you can control, not on things you can’t during hectic times, but keep moving forward doing the best you can. Don’t beat yourself up. I love reminding the people in my classes that we are only on this planet for a very short amount of time (in the grand scheme of things). Any time wasted on being down on ourselves is really a shame, isn’t it?

Try changing your mind-set about weight loss and see how much better you feel. Do your best, a little at a time, smile, and keep moving forward inch by inch to that healthier you. The best piece of advice I can give is never give up! You’ll get there.

Kristen Gunderson, Nutrition Educator, has a double BA in psychology and sociology, with an emphasis in behavior modification.

About the author

This blog content was written by a staff member at Nutritional Weight & Wellness who is passionate about eating real food.

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