
Educate yourself about health issues, weight loss and good nutrition with our free articles, videos, recipes and resources.

Heartburn Relief

Learn what causes heartburn and food swaps that may eliminate your heartburn.


Jennie's Story — Sugar Addiction and Poor Eating Habits

Jennie changed her eating habits to reduce sugar cravings, lose weight, reduce joint pain, and feel amazing.

success story

Foods that Fight Heartburn

Watch Brenna Thompson explain some healthier ways to avoid heartburn.


Top Three Supplements to Help With Heartburn

If you're struggling with heartburn, these supplements may help.


Jennifer's Story — Eliminated Pain and Chronic Infections

Jennifer cleared up her chronic infections, has clearer skin, is pain-free and 45 pounds lighter.

success story

Barb's Story — Reduced Cravings and Lost 62 Pounds

Barb got rid of cravings, lost weight, eliminated knee pain and heartburn and is down four dress sizes.

success story

Steve’s Story — Goodbye Food Addictions and Spare Tire

Steve lost 15 pounds, realized his food addictions and gained energy for Ironman training.

success story

Madeline's Story — 30 Years of Back Pain Gone

Madeline ended 30 years of back pain and has a new zest for life.

success story

Deziree’s Story

30 pounds gone, fibromyalgia pain lifted and energized; physically and mentally at her best.

success story

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